My Ideal Schedule

What would an Ideal schedule look like for me. One that I could keep forever. First It would need some basic everyday habits, some activities to rotate by the day and week. It would also need some yearly celebrational events. Lets start with the daily.

6am Wakeup

7am Breakfast

8am read the news or go outside and just chill

9am work or workout

10am work or read

11am prep for lunch

noon lunch

1pm clean up kitchen / room

2pm write

3pm work

4pm work

5pm chill

6pm prep / eat

7pm clean and relax

8pm bike 30 min

9pm shower / pool

10 pm read wind down

11pm bed

Looks pretty good. Now where do weekly activities come in? Instead of 5-6 eat/chill we drive to an event and socialize. Try to do this 3x a week. If no good events, just go to the park and walk around. You can only really walk for a few hours. Try to avoid competitive sports or boardgames you get angry about. Keep events light and playful.

Lets talk about things you do every other week. Like go shopping. Plan those on a Saturday and just block a few hours for that. Remember its not a race to the finish at the grocery store. I know its crowded and you don’t like crowds, but please try and be courteous.

Bread prep is a monthly activity. You just need to take 30 min at 6pm the day before. Also block a few hours at noon for shaping, rising, and baking. You get 2 loaves and you eat 1/2 loave a week. Diet wise, keep to simple yet varied stuff. Cereal, smoothies, fish (2 fillets/week), PB&J, peanuts, potato chips, boiled vegetables.

Other monthly rituals are go to the beach, go to a state park. You should get out and see nature. The overwhelming concrete of the city is bad for your mind. Maybe start a group on Meetup and have a monthly boardgame night or dinner party.

Yearly activities are Christmas/Easter with the family. Oil changes (do yourself) which I find fun. I really cant think of many BIG things you would want to do like vacations. Considering you don’t have a job.

Lastly this isn’t going to fill 100% of your time. But it will give you enough structure to not feel listless when sailing through an unplanned day.

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