Bullsh!t Industrial Complex

There is a certain kind of person I cant stand. And that is the unscrupulous huckster. When you hear the elevator pitch, their vapid promises, my skin crawls.

Car salesmen are tolerable because you know what to expect. You are on your guard when you walk in the dealership. You know they are going to pressure you into the larger, more featured, expensive car. You don’t want or need the built in GPS, but by god they are gonna tell you that you do.

A big trick salesmen pull is make you wait for no reason. You ask for the price, and the go to the back to talk to their “manager”. This bit of uncertainty is a psychological trick they are pulling on you. When they bring back the price sheet, with all the taxes and fees. This is the moment they really pressure you. The purpose of this tactic is to waste your time and build your anticipation.

Protip: This is the point in the sale you can and should negotiate or threaten to walk away.

Also a funny trick a car salesman pulled on me, was he offered to buy me a can of soda from the vending machine. He slowly pulls coins out of his desk and begins to count out loud. I stopped him. “I don’t want a drink”

I know this was a trick, because if they just wanted to give me a drink, they would have a ice chest of drinks from Costco. But he was demonstrating how he was sacrificing money from his own pocket to do me a favor. And he hoped I would reciprocate by buying a $12,000 car. I got up out of the chair and walked away.

I later found out that dealership was notorious for their cars poor reliability and $10000 markup on new cars.


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