Multi-Level Bulsh!tting

I really hate multilevel marketing. Not because I was suckered into it. But the predatory nature of the friendships that are required for it to operate.

So lets talk about the pitch. MLMs are sold as a way to get residual income. You sell 500 contracts and you get a percentage of the revenue. So in theory, if you quit tomorrow, you would still get a check for years.

First off they rig the system to prevent that. And 2nd that is essentially just earning interest on money you have saved up. Just get a fcking job, and save your money!

The way they rig the system is you cant just sell 500 contracts and get a percentage of that. You also have to have 5 people directly under you all selling 500 contracts in order for you to qualify for that 1% commission.

This is how they cripple your chances of being independent, and force you to rope others into the system. The signup fee is about $400. I would argue this is how the MLM makes most of its money. Really pathetic.

Also their products are sh!t. I mean if you  have a good product it sells itself. If you product is mediocre you have to get people to push it on others.

And we come to the most despicable part of the MLM. You are always targets for someone craftier than you. I am sitting next to a MLM group and let me explain the dynamics of these people.

The leader is a very attractive middle aged woman. The three other new members are older single women. And its not just the beauty and age power dynamic. These older women are telling the leader about their day and talking to her as if they are friends. Or she is a shoulder to cry on.

I feel their pain. They need friends, not a new endeavor to throw money at.  And now this younger woman is bragging about how her and her HUSBAND had all this fun at the national sales conference. And the others are lapping it up. They are thinking “I cant wait to sell 500 units so i can pay another $500 for the pleasure of hearing the CEO blather on about how successful our company is.

I hate people who use social power to take advantage of others. I wish I could break up the meeting and tell them to go back to the mainland, live with your son. Take care of your siblings. Don’t get sucked into this word of false accomplishment. These people are leeches!

Whew… Sorry for the stream of consciousness writing style.

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